In 2017, Oregon Strawberry Commission collaborated to conduct on-farm trials and consumer taste tests of promising day neutral and june bearing selections. The goal was to give fresh market growers the information needed to choose varieties that fit both farm needs and consumer preferences.
June bearing varieties tested: Hood (as standard), Charm, Marys Peak, and Puget Crimson.
Day neutral varieties tested: Sweet Ann, Seascape, Aromas, and Albion (as standard).
On-farm Trials:
Northwest Berry Foundation managed the in-field trials and evaluations of the selections. The evaluations were focused on characteristics important to growers, such as plant vigor, yield, health, and pest and disease resistance. Check out the videos below for assessments of the day neutral and june bearing selections.
Evaluations of Four Promising Day Neutral Varieties
Evaluations of Four June Bearing Strawberry Varieties
Consumer Taste Tests:
After fruit was evaluated in the fields and harvested, Oregon State University used the berries in consumer taste tests at its Food Innovation Center and several New Seasons Market locations. The taste tests provided information on consumer preferences, helping researchers determine purchase intent and quality ratings based on the strawberry samples. See in-depth information on how consumers ranked the selections.
Information on more varieties from OSU Extension Service: Strawberry Cultivars for Western Oregon and Washington