Learn more about the basics of marketing fresh strawberries and how that differs from processed production.
Buyer Input on Purchasing Fresh Market Strawberries
Grower Strategies for Improving Fresh Market Sales
Grocery Chains
- Gene Versteeg, Produce Merchandiser, Market of Choice. Office 541-345-0566 x 3117,
cell 541-510-1655, genev@marketofchoice.com - Chris Harris, Produce Merchandiser/Local Buyer, New Seasons Market. 503-975-2228, chrish@newseasonsmarket.com
- Randy Kautz, Manager, West Salem Roth’s. (503) 370-3790, westsalem@roths.com
Wholesale Grocers
- Jeremy Smith, Portland General Manager, Charlie’s Produce. 503-573-4406, jeremys@charliesproduce.com
- Matt Neumann, Portland Retail Sales Manager, Charlie’s Produce. 503-491-5974 x 4408, mattn@charliesproduce.com
- Ron Danna, Grocery Buyer, Duck Produce. 503-288-8300, ron.danna@mlffv.com
- Michael Rinella, Senior Buyer, Rinella Produce. 503-238-1360
Farmers Markets
- Amber Holland, Operations Manager, Portland Farmers Market. 503- 241-0032, contact@portlandfarmersmarket.org
- Angela Norman, Market Director, Lane County Farmers Market. (541) 431-4923, angela@lanecountyfarmersmarket.org
- Rebecca Landis, Market Manager, Corvallis-Albany Farmers Markets. 541-740-1542, landisr@peak.org
A full list of Oregon farmers markets from Oregon Farmers Markets Association.
In addition, don’t forget to contact produce managers at the local grocery store(s) of your choice. This can be an effective way to find buyers and build your network.